Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's cold when it's dark

It's been a while between posts. Have I been super busy recently? Yes. And it's not like there haven't been many things to write about. In fact, it's probably the opposite. There have been too many things to write about that it's like cramming a storm in a teacup- the storm being life, and the teacup being my propensity to deal with it.  

So we're past the halfway point of 2009, and it's all downhill from here. It's getting colder by the hour, and when it's dark it rains. Every day is a perfect day to spend indoors. Which kind of helps for my study habits (for which I only have one exam...*sigh*) but tends to make one a bit dreary and wistful.  

As 4th year students with annual projects, we don't really get a midyear break as we're expected to finish collecting experimental data before 2nd semester. However, as the Loos are heading to America in July-August, I have a forced holiday and so have to cram 8 weeks of thesis work into 4. 

Autumn is as good a time of year to do it in than any other. 

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