Friday, October 16, 2009

Last. Lecture. Ever.

As a physicist, it's in my blood to love graphs and data processing/presentation in any form. Today we calculated that we spend on average 13,000 hours in class at school over 13 years, and about 2080 hours in uni class time over 4 years. Total class time was therefore 15,080 hours- approximately 620 days, or 1.5 years straight of education. Not much really, when you think about it...i asked, what have i been doing the rest of my life??

This is not counting time spent in study or lunch breaks or those all-important extra-curricular activities. It also does not account for any time we spent not going to class, or procrastinating on facebook. I think we can safely double the hours if we count study time etc. We did this mainly because we realised that we were about to have our last hour of official class lectures EVER at St George Hospital this evening. It was a moment to remember. A bittersweet moment in life as we passed another milestone along the proverbial road of life. Kind of like turning 20 i guess.

Anyway, i thought of that just then because i made a graph of my music tastes. It's late and i don't know why i'm still online. I ate a LOT of food tonight at Sizzler, and so i just don't feel healthy lying down with such a full stomach...

Enjoy the data!

Fig.1 Pie chart- global distribution of my music listening habits

Fig.2 Data breakdown including 'others' as in Fig.1

Table 1. Evidence that i just have too much time on my hands late at night. This is what happens when you write an honours thesisin physics. you start nerding out on everything in life.

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