Friday, March 13, 2009

Dear Chris

Dear Mr Martin and co.,

I understand you are currently the world's biggest band, and with little competition this isn't too hard tif we're going to be perfectly frank with ourselves here. I understand that what started out as a more appeasing Radiohead-inspired musicality has somehow morphed into a commercial radio juggernaut. I also understand that this is why I forked out $140 for your show tomorrow.

While many deride your skills as songwriters, I applaud you for uniting so many as only music can. While my own tastes have changed since the days of Parachutes, my love has been recently rekindled and I am actually kind of giddy at the thought of tomorrow night.

I missed the X&Y tour, so i'm looking forward to what i assume is going to be an unforgettable night. I've heard good things so far, so please don't screw it up for us. And if it's not too much to ask, make a little eye contact with me. Or something.


Kevin Loo

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