Sunday, March 1, 2009

Visits Don't Happen Often Enough

It was a beautiful, action-packed two days that just passed. I skipped things I was supposed to do but we were entertaining international visitors so it was excusable. It should definitely happen more often but alas uni starts in less than 2 days and it turns out that Malaysia is sometimes just too far for a weekend trip to Wollongong. Nonetheless I was very glad that some from my other home got to experience our original home and life, albeit for just a day. It was beyond our normal activity for sure, but just a glimpse of what Wollongong is really all about.

And then the next day (after an impromptu overnight stay) the city of Sydney looked more attractive than ever to me.

Our time together though has made me miss Malaysia that little bit more...but I can still manage a smiley.


Wollongong beaches are the best. Wollongong cannons are also the best.

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