Saturday, December 13, 2008

Early Days

I initially wrote a long spiel about waking up as Macauly Culkin in Home Alone but that was actually incorrect since the family came back to the house about 30 minutes later. So let's have a recap of our journey thus far. Our plane trip took us about 13+ hours due to missed connections and delays of the sort. It was a very long day but I listened to some good music, chatted to some people in the airport and watched Tropic Thunder (hilarious), Star Wars: Clone Wars (surprisingly exciting), and Aussie surfie movie Newcastle (aimed a bit high and fell short) Upon arrival, we found out that  my dad forgot to send my uncle and aunty our updated itinerary and they were waiting for us at KLIA for 6 hours. Whoops!

I didn't shower for two days after arrival just because i couldn't be bothered.

We've only been here two days and already it feels like we have almost never left- although admittedly we were only here last january. The three big ones here would be family, friends and food. Already we have experienced much of them. More of the food than anything else so far- but its early days yet! A definite highlight of Malaysia trips is the trademark Macca's Chinese New Year promotion- the PROSPERITY BURGER. It's pretty simple actually- black pepper sauce, onion, beef patty on a long bun- but beats the crap out of any $2 double beef and cheesburgers. I had my first of many just today. Let's see how many we get done all up. Curly fries come in the meal. 

With regards to the family we experience, there is nothing like it. We stay in the house where my mum grew up in her teens/uni life which is occupied by my aunty and her family, plus grandmother. We're not exactly in KL, but in an outer city called Petaling Jaya (PJ) which is about 30 minutes drive away from the city. This is the Christmas headquarters of my mum's side of the family so to speak- the Phua side.  

The cycle of life is more evident than ever as cousins work 9 to 5 and bring back sons of their own from the UK. Andrew just arrived tonight with his 3yo son Daniel who is the real star of the show and watching him grow is quite an experience. I remember when myself and my two other cousins Adrian and Eugene took showers in the frontyard with the hose. Now i have an undergraduate degree and they're working their respective fulltime jobs. When did that happen?

Something that hasn't changed is the unwavering commitment to church and YF (youth fellowship) which is quite an encouragement in itself. Went to a little Christmas party today at the church. Saw old faces and new and was able to reconnect with friends we've only spent time online with.  Like I said it's early days yet so didn't get much time in conversation. Plus I'm feeling a bit sleep-deprived. Life here is fully hectic. 

It's 10:52pm and we gotta get up for church tomorrow. Muse's live HAARP is in my ears right now. I love them to bits. There are no photos as of yet but i took some video footage of the food i ate. Maybe you'll be able to watch it one day. Words simply aren't enough to convey what is really going on over here. 

We also went to a little music bar last night which was very hip and had hookahs everywhere. Definitely need one of those in Wollongong. Adrian was playing in his pop acoustic group Alaling and the Kaya Koks and were very appealing. No photos from there either. Haha. 


PS, it's bloody hot! And it's been fairly overcast these past few days, which means it can only get worse... 

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