Saturday, December 20, 2008

Week 1 Consisted of a lot of eating

Week 1 has passed by. I could say that it was quick but I don't think it actually was. We've been very busy with family and friends a heck of a lot of eating. Holy crap I've never eaten so much. Our stomachs are perpetually full to breaking point; yet even midway through lunch we are already discussing what to have for dinner. It really is a beautiful routine. 

By this time there are 12 Loos/Tans/Phuas hanging out in the house plus Michelle's friend Sheila from the US. From what I can gather she has been enjoying every minute of our eating adventures and otherwise. She has a great hearty laugh. 

Catching up with friends from church feels a bit like what I imagine a second album would for a band. Last year's trip was amazing, so how could we top that experience? A whole year has passed since seeing these wonderful people and no doubt we have all grown and changed somehow. Could we in fact connect as we did last? Thankfully the answer has been a cautious yet optimistic yes. There's plenty of catching up (and mamak) to do still guys! 

Went to A Mantle The Sea (cousin's band) gig the other night in the city at a very swanky club called No Black Tie. They played well but their nervous energy (first proper gig in four years) translated into near unmanaged tempos. Their acoustic songs came across much more confident and their rendition of Sufjan Stevens' 'O Come O Come Immanuel' was bold and nothing short of beautiful (definitely have to buy some of his stuff). There were other bands and they were of pretty high standard too. For some reason we went out for supper after (dim sum/ yum cha) and had at a meal at 1 in the am. We didn't get back until 2!

That's exactly what we need in the gong. Food at any hour of life (other than Macca's). Would anyone be interested in starting a business with me? Ha.

had my 2nd PROSPERITY BURGER yesterday with YJ and YC (cousins from Dad's side of the family) who I spent the day with at 1U shopping mall. They were en route to Japan, which I should be on too but for some reason am not. We went bowling and didn't want to pay 2RM for sock rental so we bought our own socks for 7RM each. We sure showed that bowling alley.

I've always said that life in Malaysia is hectic and I think I finally know why. If you remain stationary long enough here, the heat acts as a blanket of lethargy and you are basically drained of the will to live. Every minor movement of the body is smothered unless you can gain enough momentum to continue living and eating.

And with this, I simple wait for the Christmas celebrations to begin.

Cheerio! (:

Congrats to all friends who graduated this year! Special shout out to the physics crew- because no one can integrate to alpha centauri like you guys can. 

1 comment:

Trois Grands Garçons said...

i'll start a buisness with you.
can we be a tea house as well thats open longer than 2hours a day like tea'se me is.
also we get to pick the moosic. and we can have a hardcore night. where hardcore fans come, listen to screaming music and drink tea and eat chinese.
sounds logical.